Solve a problem but… What problem?

If you don't know that the products you use constantly could be undermining your health and you think that pain and itching are normal... what are you going to do to change it?

We can't skip steps: if we aspire to real change, we have to break the silence about the consequences of using traditional pads and tampons, and we can only do that with menstrual education.


A big part of our social movement is based on giving voice to what has been silenced for so long.

We know that after disclosure comes change, that's why we provide training and workshops in organizations so that both they and their teams can make informed decisions. Information is power!

Our trainings and workshops are for:

Organizations that have a Menstrual Point
Organizations that want to improve menstrual and/or menopause education for their staff
Educational centers such as schools, colleges or universities

A commitment to menstrual dignity

Workshop - How menstrual products affect health (“Beyond the period”)

Workshop content:

  • Causes and consequences of having menstruation for more years than in previous centuries
  • Environmental impact of menstrual products
  • Benefits of using quality menstrual products
  • Responsible use of dispenser products
  • Shared purpose: ensuring access to healthy menstrual products

Duration: 45 minutes

Price: €199 + IMP.

Workshop - Welcome menopause, a new stage in life

Workshop content:

  • The taboo of menopause
  • Physical and psychological effects of menopause
  • Habits for a healthy experience of menopause
  • How to address menopausal symptoms in the workplace
  • Reconnection with self-knowledge

Duration: 1 hour

Price: €249 + IMP.


How workshops positively impact your team:

  • Combating the stigma and taboo of women's health
  • Improve the work environment
  • Improve team well-being
  • They foster a more inclusive and diverse work environment
  • Increased knowledge on menstrual health and menopause

Workshop - How menstrual products affect health (“Beyond periods”):

  • They generate knowledge to address issues that affect the team's day-to-day life
  • They create a more empathetic and inclusive corporate culture
  • Impact on sustainable development goals
  • They contribute to gender equality with tangible action
  • Demonstrate your commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

They are the menstrual educators who teach our workshops.

Marta Garcia

Sexual health advisor
La Marta is committed to achieving greater sexual well-being through workshops that promote self-knowledge and empowerment.

Location: Barcelona.

Nora Pascual

Teacher, researcher and Menstrual Educator
She focuses her research and dissemination work on eradicating menstrual poverty through quality, early and comprehensive education.
Location: Basque Country.

Amy Egle

Communicator, Menstrual Educator and Coach in Self-Esteem and Cyclical Health.
Accompaniment to women in their process of self-knowledge linking self-esteem and cyclicity, always from a base of menstrual education, to achieve greater bodily and personal sovereignty.

Location: Madrid.

Do you want a workshop for your organization or educational center?

Fill out the form and become an agent of change!