How do organizations transform when they have a Menstrual Point?

A small action can be a great statement of intent. This first step to guarantee access to basic products can make a click and change the dynamics of an entire environment.

But we're not going to tell you about it: let's let the organizations that are already Menstrually Responsible® explain it.

Don't have Menstrual Point yet?​

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When we received the information about Menstrual Point®, we thought it was an excellent initiative to bring a sustainable, local product made with environmentally friendly materials, which was also in line with our company values on an environmental level.

Anais Moreno, Global People Communication and Change Manager at Almirall.

At El Pilar Hospital we are committed to our patients, but also to the people who make up our team. One of the strategic lines of our Corporate Social Responsibility plan is the quality of life of the people who work at our hospital.

Ramon Ferrer, Director of People and Chairman of the CSR Committee at El Pilar Hospital in Barcelona.

We opened two Menstrual Point® points at the university, at the two receptions. So far the reception is very good. People are using the product responsibly and, to be honest, we are very happy with the initiative.

Patrícia Crespo, Director of the Equality Unit.

When you take action with a group, you are really sending a message and saying how things are done at TSB with all groups. We are not making a speech, we are taking action, and this is something important from the Human Resources policy, not only for the group affected, but for all groups, it is a way of doing things and of understanding equality in diversity.

Joan Viaplana, corporate director of the Economic-Financial area and the Human Resources area of TSB Trans.

I think the good thing would be to arrive somewhere one day and be surprised that it's not there.

David Rillo, General Manager of Lovato Electric Spain

Don't have Menstrual Point yet?​