Each and every one of the human rights that women have achieved throughout history (being able to have access to education and university, being able to choose and be chosen through democratic voting, being able to decide about their own bodies...) have been preceded by the conviction, the continued struggle and the indomitable will of thousands of people who decided that they would not stop until they achieved what they considered ethical, fair and legitimate.
But there is still a long way to go if we want to achieve full equality of rights, duties and obligations. There are still many inequalities. Many. But there is one that is glaring when you see what happens in offices, factories, institutes, universities or in any organization.
In the 21st century, in the century of modernity, digitalization, artificial intelligence and the metaverse, when a woman who is working or studying gets her period, it seems like we have gone back to the Paleolithic.
Not having access to healthy and sustainable menstrual products in the workplace and at school affects life and health, and questions the true equality of rights of half of the population.
It's time to take part in the historic change that is revolutionizing the rules that define what Menstrually Responsible® companies and organizations should be like.
It's time for you to join the change that says “Never again!” to a woman not having access to healthy and sustainable menstrual products in her workplace or school. If you think like us and you don't like what you see...
Be part of the change, it's in our hands!
With this move we begin a sprint that will change history. We need you.
Don't be fooled!
At Menstrual Point® you will find:
At Menstrual Point® you will NOT find:
Certified organic products
Certified menstrual products made from 100% organic cotton grown without pesticides or insecticides. The GOTS certification guarantees that they have been produced in an ethical and sustainable way.
Products without official certifications
We will not authorize any brand that abuses "greenwashing" to dispense its menstrual products at Menstrual Point®. GOTS certification is required.
Drywings™ System
Organic cotton pads, which, thanks to the Drywings™ system, prevent leaks through the wings. In addition, their absorption capacity is fully exploited in an environmentally friendly way.
No plastics, no harmful chemicals.
Pads that cause irritation, itching and allergies because they are made with chemical compounds derived from plastic.
Cottonlock™ Tampons
Tampons with a safety veil made of organic cotton that prevents fibres from sticking inside.
Tampons are dangerous for your health.
Tampons without a safety veil that leave fibers inside you, whether they are made of cotton or other materials.
Reusable Tampon Applicator
It replaces the single-use plastic applicator, thus reducing the 6 tons of waste generated worldwide every hour.
Single-use plastic applicators.
High environmental impact products that generate toxic waste for hundreds of years on the planet.
Productos ecológicos certificados
Productos menstruales certificados de algodón 100% ecológico cultivado sin pesticidas ni insecticidas. El certificado GOTS avala que han sido elaborados de forma ética y sostenible.
Sistema Drywings™
Compresas de algodón orgánico, que gracias al sistema Drywings™, se evitan las fugas a través de las alas. Además, se aprovecha al máximo su capacidad de absorción de forma ecológica.
Tampones Cottonlock™
Tampones con velo de seguridad de algodón orgánico que previene que queden fibras adheridas en el interior.
Aplicador Reutilizable de Tampones
Reemplaza el aplicador de plástico de un solo uso reduciendo así las 6 toneladas de residuos que se generan en todo el mundo cada hora.
En Menstrual Point® NO encontrarás:
Productos sin certificaciones oficiales
No autorizaremos a ninguna marca que abuse del "greenwashing" a dispensar sus productos menstruales en el Menstrual Point®. Es necesario acreditar el certificado GOTS.
Ni plásticos, ni químicos nocivos.
Compresas que produzcan irritaciones, picores y alergias porque están elaborados con compuestos químicos derivados del plástico.
Tampones peligrosos para tu salud.
Tampones sin velo de seguridad que dejan fibras en tu interior, ya sean de algodón u otros materiales.
Aplicadores de plástico de un solo uso.
Productos de alto impacto medioambiental que generan residuos tóxicos durante cientos de años en el planeta.

You will find it in:
Natural supermarkets such as Veritas, Herbolario Navarro and health food stores.

You will find it in:
Supermarkets such as Bonpreu, Alcampo, Eroski, Clarel, drugstores and perfumeries.
You will find it at:
Through the website Use the 20% discount code your company.
Hello! I'm Mercè Vendrell
Since I was little, I have used healthy and ecological menstrual products because my family has a business project, a market leader and present in 48 countries, specialized in the women's health. However, one day, after a conversation I had with my friends about the problems they suffered and the recurring gynecological visits they made, I realized that my reality was not the same as that of many other women.
That's when I realized how much misinformation there is about menstrual products and how difficult it is to access them in everyday life. It was then that I knew: I wanted everyone to have the opportunity to live a healthy and free menstruation. That’s why, in 2022, I decided to bring these products to everyone through Menstrual Point®: a dispenser and a social movement that aims to create a Menstrually Responsible® societytogether with all the organizations and entities willing to evolve towards inclusion and health.
Are you joining?
Merce Vendrell. Founder of Menstrual Point®.