Applicator-free tampons refil


Our applicator-free tampons refill with 100% certified organic cotton is ideal for refilling Menstrual Point dispensers in organisations that have been able to choose the most sustainable option.

This makes it possible to reduce unforeseen events within organisations. We all have concerns to deal with on a day-to-day basis so why not eliminate the concern of not having access to essential hygiene products?

This refill is perfect for facilities that have a regular team (such as work offices) and already have a reusable tampon applicator for each menstruating person in the organisation.

Tenemos dos tamaños de recarga: pequeño y grande.

What does each size include?

Large Small
Applicator-free tampons refill 360 units (tampons) 100 units (tampons)

    Dispenser for pads and applicator-free tampons


    The dispenser for pads and applicator-free tampons is perfect for organisations that always include the same people, such as for example a company’s offices.

    Did you know that 6 tonnes of disposable plastic applicators are generated every hour in the world? Something we use for 3 seconds, but which takes 300 years to degrade. What nonsense.

    That’s why we recommend giving a reusable applicator to each menstruating person to minimise the waste of single-use applicators - much more sustainable!

    It is available in 3 sizes: small, medium and large. So whatever the size of your organisation, we give you options to join sustainable consumption.

    ✅Menstrual Point Dispenser made of moisture-resistant wood fibre. For the longest possible service life, even in bathrooms with higher humidity levels. What’s more, it is easy to maintain!

    ✅Drywings™ Daytime pads with wings. With anti-leak protection and made from 100% organic cotton. They are designed to distribute menstrual flow evenly and prevent leakage to make your period as comfortable as possible.

    ✅Cottonlock™ applicator-free tampons are for Super flow and made from 100% organic cotton. These tampons include a safety veil that completely envelops the absorbent core, preventing fibre residue from being left behind on the vaginal walls.

    ✅Menstrual Point Adhesive to stick on the area where the dispenser is located.

    ✅Tools for wall mounting. For those of you who want to and are able to hang the dispenser in your bathroom. We provide you with dowels, screws and easy assembly instructions, so that you can install it without complications and in record time!


      Dispenser for pads and applicator tampons


      This dispenser for pads and applicator tampons is the best choice for organisations that receive occasional visitors, such as restaurants, gyms or leisure centres. It is available in 3 sizes: small, medium and large.

      It’s as necessary a resource as toilet paper! And it makes your area more inclusive, safer and more comfortable.

      Menstrual Point Dispenser made of moisture-resistant wood fibre. For the longest possible service life, even in bathrooms with higher humidity levels. What’s more, it is easy to maintain!

      Drywings™ Daytime pads with wings.. With anti-leak protection and made from 100% organic cotton. They are designed to distribute menstrual flow evenly and prevent leakage to make your period as comfortable as possible.

      Cottonlock™ Regular tampons with cardboard applicator. They are made of 100% organic cotton and are equipped with a safety veil that prevents fibres from sticking to the vaginal walls.

      ✅Menstrual Point Adhesive to stick on the area where the dispenser is located.

      Tools for wall mounting. For those of you who want to and are able to hang the dispenser in your bathroom. We provide you with dowels, screws and easy assembly instructions, so that you can install it without complications and in record time!


        Daytime pad refil


        Our Drywings™ daily pads have built-in barriers that distribute menstrual flow evenly along the absorbent core, preventing blood from passing through to the wings. No more asking your friend to look at you for fear of staining yourself. Plus, they're made from 100% organic cotton. They protect you and the planet.

        Using products with plastics and toxins is a thing of the past. At Menstrual Point we work to offer you hypoallergenic, safe and comfortable products. What else, right?

        Wait, is your dispenser already out of pads? You've come to the right place. With this daily pad refill, you can refill your Menstrual Point dispensers to keep your organization an inclusive place for people with uteruses.

        What's included in each size?

        Large Small
        Refill of Drywings™ daytime pads 240 units (pads) 100 units (pads)

          Single-use applicator tampons refill


          This is our applicator tampons refill with single-use biodegradable cardboard applicator. The refill is available in two sizes: small and large.

          At Menstrual Point we work to break the menstrual taboo, improve the menstrual experience for people who menstruate and prevent them from feeling ashamed of a natural process. Offering this type of product is seen as an extra, but can you imagine going to the bathroom and having to take your toilet paper with you? It’s inconvenient, isn't it? It's the same with pads and tampons.

          What does each size include?

          Tamaño grande Tamaño pequeño
          Single-use applicator tampons refill 360 units (tampons) 100 units (tampons)